Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Haringparty Harbour Style
On thursday, June 16th, the annual "haringparty" at The Harbour Club was held. "Haringparty?" you may ask.... Well that is a Dutch tradition, celebrating the new herring season. (And actually a very good excuse to dress up and meet new friends or business partners.... since it's THE networking event of the season)
The dresscode at the Harbour Club was Tenue de Ville, Harbour Style. So I pulled out my striped outfit and felt like a sailor! Unfortunately I did not spot many other harbour-style-dressed-guests.... Although people did look nice.
Besides the harbour style dresscode, ladies were also asked to wear a special handbag.... infact there was a contest. The prize for the most beautiful bag, was a handbag designed by Omar Munie (see picture). Neither my fiend Brigitte, nor me won the prize, but we were lucky enough to meet Omar! We left the other ladies fighting for the prize...
For more information, please visit:
The Harbour Club:
Omar Munie:
Cute bag! Totally matched the outfit!